Another reason to avoid my dentist is the difficulty of getting to his office. It's not that it's far away, but there is absolutely no parking anywhere nearby, and I no longer live within walking distance, at least for me.
Takin g a bus involves too much walking, too. Taking a cab is easy, but getting one on the way home is less so. Anyway, living at the Clare gives me another perk: complimentary transportation within a certain area, including my dentist's street. Keith drives a big Town Car, by appointment, free of charge. He is employed by the building.
We've had this service for some time, but I've never used it. After all, I'm within walking distance of most things, and I own a car, too. Having a car and driver to depend on is not only beyond my budget, but against my middle class sensibilities. Yesterday, I decided to try it anyway.
Now I'm beginning to appreciate the luxuries of the wealthy. What a convenience to climb into a waiting car, get to my destination quickly, and get picked up for the ride home! I could get used to such things.
Sounds great to me! I also could get used to such luxury!
Sounds great to me. Two days ago I wanted to go to the funeral home. Someone special passed away.
Storm approaching and a 45 minute drive that I could not make. I wrote of my sadness to son and daughter. Son wrote back and said he would take me. Oh - how at that time I wish I had a driver.
I am envious! The Clare has a "Walk Score" of 97, which classifies it as a Walkers Paradise! Add easy to use transportation for the times you might not want to walk or use public transportation - it doesnt get better!
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