As lifespans lengthen, it's an unfortunate reality that more and more of us are likely to encounter the tragedy of Alzheimer's Disease. In Measure of the Heart, ambitious, successful California and New York radio news anchor and reporter Mary Ellen Geist tells of leaving her career to help her mother care for her father as he declines in the clutches of this terrible affliction.
Both an exlanation of Alzheimers and a personal caregiver's memoir, this book explores the tragic effects of the disease on the vctim and his family. As the disease progresses, the author learns to let herself be guided by her heart rather than by the pressures of her demanding career.
This very personal story helps to explain the devotion of Woody Geist's wife, daughters, and other family members to this nice, kind, cheerful former CEO who loves to play tennis and to sing, activities he is able to continue long after the disease strikes. The family's selfless devotion and refusal to put Woody into a care facility seem puzzling as the disease progresses, and yet their extraordinary love is admirable.
In addition to telling the victim's and caregivers' stories, this book explores and lists various resources: helpful organizations, publications, and web sites devoted to Alzheimer's and those dealing with it. The book makes fascinating reading for anyone who has ever wondered about the disease or marveled at the dedication of those dealing with its victims. For anyone faced with an Alzheimer's diagnosis in the famiy, it should be required reading.
Copyright 2008 by Marlys Marshall Styne
1 comment:
I will pick up this book, although I feel almost weepy just reading your review. This is probably one of my biggest fears - that someone I love will get this disease (or what do they say - already has it, but will display more and more symptoms as the disease progresses). Sometimes I think reading about how real people deal with gritty, real life issues is the best way to just realize, no matter what. Life goes on. We accept it. We deal with it. We continue to live.
Thanks for the recommendation
Laura H. Mitchell
GrandCare Systems
GrandCare Systems explores a new frontier in technology using the Internet, the loved one's television to communicate and wireless sensors to assess wellness.
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